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After School Program

Remember getting out of school with your friends and running around the neighborhood feeling safe and having fun? That is what we try to bring to our afterschool programs.  We are student led and our days can include building forts, doing art projects, exploring a trail, practicing our archery skills and more!  We want our students to have that feel of autonomy while also being safe and provided for.  We bring the safety and supplies, they bring their imaginations!


This program runs Monday-Friday until 6pm.


We offer pick up at  Glencoe and LeMonde Elementary school.


In the warmer and lighter months we head to local parks and green spaces for our adventures then return to Taborspace for pick up by 5pm.


When the days get cold and wet we still get some outdoor time at nearby Glencoe ES as we believe it is critical to students who have been in a classroom to get outside for some big body movement.  We then head to Taborspace for crafts and activities!


We offer a few different options of activities daily so that the students have autonomy and they can float between them to prevent boredom.


We intentionally keep our group sizes small.  This way we really create a relationship with each student and can better meet their needs.  Our ratio is 7:1.


Our registration details are below!


There is a 10% discount for a yearly registration.  For this option please reach out to


The Beehive NW afterschool payments are based on a monthly fee. We consider school session breaks, no school days, the start and end of the year, and other factors when setting our tuition, and then spread it equally over a ten-month period.  This way families pay the same amount month-to-month instead of it fluctuating which helps us to maintain a high quality level of care and support to our staff and families.


Monthly Tuition: 

5 days per week: $695 

4 days per week: $560 

3 days per week: $420

2 days per week: $280

1 day per week: $140


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